by noelhenneman | Nov 21, 2016 | Technology, Usability
How do you learn about usability? Learning about usability can be accomplished by reading textbooks on the subject, or by reading internet articles. But it can also be learned by looking at and examining examples of bad usability. A good source of examples is from...
by noelhenneman | Nov 1, 2016 | Technology
One of the tasks you often want to do is to check which page your site shows on for a particular search engine with a particular query. If you do this entirely by hand it becomes quite tedious. You go to Google, or Bing, or Yahoo and type in your search term. Then on...
by noelhenneman | Oct 10, 2016 | Uncategorized, Wordpress
You are a small business that hired someone to build your web site using WordPress. It just launched so what should you do now? Well, you should start by checking “under the hood.” There are several key areas to consider. Security WordPress, currently the most...
by noelhenneman | Apr 25, 2016 | Technology, Web Design
Development tools for responsive web design are getting better all the time. Unfortunately they are not always obvious. Recently one of my co-workers showed me how Google Chrome has a great tool for showing how a web page responds to changing view port sizes. Well I...
by noelhenneman | Feb 15, 2016 | Technology, Wordpress
If you are a WordPress developer, or are maintaining a site where you have to update page templates, one thing you would like to be able to have is a WordPress plugin to list all of the pages that a particular template is linked to.For example, if you need to modify a...