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By this time, I think we all understand that using video to market your brand or tell your company’s story is a good idea. I mean, in a world where practically everyone carries a little TV screen in their pocket, accessing the masses with video content just keeps getting easier and easier. But what’s not getting easier is keeping those masses engaged once you get them to click on your little play button. Video is everywhere and attention spans are short, so creating quality, engaging content that accomplishes your desired result is key.

So what are some of the “best practices” for creating engaging video content?

Keep it short

Studies show that 5 percent of viewers will stop watching a video they are interested in after 1 minute and 60 percent will click away after 2 minutes. There’s a reason TV commercials are usually just 30 seconds long.

Engage early

Obviously there are times when you need more time to tell your story, so another great rule-of-thumb is to front load your video with the most important information. People will most certainly click away within the first 30 seconds of your video, if by that time they still don’t have any idea what it’s about. Use all the time you need to explain the details, but engage your audience early to get them to stick around and hear those details.

Target your audience

Producing a marketing video without thoroughly understanding who it’s for, decreases your chances of generating your desired results. Before you start thinking about what the video will look and sound like, figure out who should be watching it, and tailor your content to them. Be personal and detailed in your message and Your viewers will be engaged.

Get started now

Not sure if using video as a part of your marketing strategy is right for you? According to statistics borrowed from, 87 percent of online marketers use video content, 65 percent of U.S. marketers plan to increase their mobile ad budget to account for video, and 96 percent of B2B organizations use video in some capacity in their marketing campaigns of which 73 percent report positive results to their ROI.

Video, when done right, is a great tool to convey your message to your customers, clients, employees, or other important audience. Let’s work together!