by noelhenneman | Feb 15, 2016 | Technology, Wordpress
If you are a WordPress developer, or are maintaining a site where you have to update page templates, one thing you would like to be able to have is a WordPress plugin to list all of the pages that a particular template is linked to.For example, if you need to modify a...
by Diane Kenedy | Nov 23, 2015 | Technology
Recently, I needed to move many files that had custom metadata from one SharePoint site to a different SharePoint site.I do not have access to the SharePoint server interface, so using PowerShell was not an option.My permissions for each library are Full Control.Some...
by noelhenneman | Nov 4, 2015 | Web Design
At HB Design, web developers are given Photoshop PSD files that were created by Web Designers to code. This blog includes some Photoshop tips to make working with those PSD files easier.Selecting layersDesigns often have many layers, sometimes in nested layer groups. ...
by Gery Teague | May 28, 2015 | Design, HB Design, Technology, Uncategorized, Web Design
This is the third part of our three part series on Web Calipers. The 1st post was on the history and purpose of Web Calipers. The 2nd post was on how to use Web Calipers including short-cut keys and bookmarking instructions. This post will detail some of the code and...
by Gery Teague | May 20, 2015 | HB Design, Technology, Uncategorized, Web Design
This is the second post in a three part series. Part 1 went over the history of the purpose of Calipers. Part 3 goes over the techniques and technologies that went into creating Web Calipers. Use But Don’t Install With most things you use on your computer, you...