by noelhenneman | Jun 12, 2014 | HB Design, Technology, Web Design
Aside from my duties here at HB Design I also teach college courses at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington—including teaching an “Introduction to HTML.” Having taught the course for many years I have been struck by a comparison to learning a foreign...
by noelhenneman | Jun 5, 2014 | Accessibility, Technology, Uncategorized, Web Design
Since CSS 2.1 there have been CSS properties that allow you to insert content before or after a tag’s normal content. This offers some interesting capabilities. But when should you use this feature?
by noelhenneman | Mar 25, 2014 | HB Design, Our work, Technology
Okay, I admit it. I am an engineer, not a designer. My training and background are in software engineering. Because of that I enjoy creating tools that make my tasks easier. I am constantly looking at tasks I do and am asking myself how can I do this more efficiently...
by Leslie Worth | Mar 4, 2014 | Technology
This year, Liana and I traveled to Las Vegas to walk the consumer electronics show (CES). Neither of us had been to CES before—we decided to attend because so many of our clients work in that industry. We felt it would be helpful to see the newest technology, and also...
by Liana Safian | Feb 25, 2014 | HB Design, Inspiration, Technology
Last month Leslie and I attended CES for two fun filled days in (somewhat) sunny Las Vegas. As expected, there were myriads of booths and products to explore. We saw robots, drones, 3D printers and at least a dozen people sporting google glass. Amid the hustle and...
by noelhenneman | Jan 28, 2014 | Technology, Web Design
There are many lists of the best plugins for taking WordPress from a blogging platform to a full-blown content management system. Which plugins you use will often depend on the theme you have chosen and site-specific needs. But for someone just starting to work with...